HIPC is a community table that seeks to create a seamless settlement experience for immigrants in Hamilton. With partners from various sectors – including settlement, education, business, health, social services, municipal affairs, and persons with lived immigration experience — we work together to create a welcoming community with relevant and accessible services.
HIPC was established in 2009 as one of Canada’s first local immigration partnerships, a network that has now spread across the country and includes more than 75 similar local initiatives. We are housed within the City of Hamilton’s Economic Development Division and funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
HIPC’s location in Economic Development at the City of Hamilton speaks to the importance of immigration to our local economy, culture, and population growth. About two-thirds of population growth in Hamilton comes from immigration, over half of recent immigrants have a bachelor’s degree or higher and long-term immigrants are more likely to own a business with employees compared to the Canadian-born population. Immigrants admitted in all classes enjoy positive economic outcomes overall and become increasingly self-sufficient with more time spent in Canada.
Contact Us
Connect with the Hamilton Immigration Partnership staff and team. You can send us questions, request information or share your feedback.
You can also follow our work on social media. Follow HIPC on Twitter and Instagram.

Sarah Wayland
Senior Project Manager
Phone: 905-546 2424 x7565

Mohammad Araf
Program Officer, Immigration
Phone: 905-546-2424 x4359

Natasha Sofia Martinez
Community Relations Coordinator
Phone: 905-546-2424 x4882
HIPC’s ImmPress newsletter is the voice of HIPC. ImmPress is a community platform for sharing updates, and supporting one another’s activities, as we work towards making Hamilton a place for everyone to call home.
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HIPC Members

Adrienne Coletto

Amanda Sim

Anca Andronic

Luc Bonaventure Amoussou

Caitlin Craven

Cheryl Stepan

Clare Freeman

Colleen Hynes

David Hennick

David Quezada

Genelle Pollydore

Grace Baldwin

Hyelnaya Wuranti and Sara Geday

Jennie Hamilton

Jennifer Patterson

Joana Fejzaj

Kim Martin

Larry Huibers

Lily Lumsden

Michelle Butcher

Medora Uppal

Nabila Sissaoui

Paul Takala

Rachelle Ihekwoaba

Rami Safi

Rashed Afif

Sandra Valeri

Shane Altenstad

Stephanie Schreuders

Terri Bedminster

Yudara Bernard Weerakoon